Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Battle full career in the high segment Mat Road explain how to play Juggernaut 4.

Continue to pick the last Juggernaut Battle.

1, followed by eight flash chop. This skill instantly invincible. Next can be hard to direct you, even if your defense, your Q will be hard anti-straight live. In general, due to the obvious skills hands, all I are Taoism puncture the top. His invincible when you break out you just invincible, and then beat up, Retaliation will certainly counterattack can only be countered with your up and fight back!

Below then tell a Juggernaut guardian very Lai skills. I do not know we have not encountered fell to the ground when the Juggernaut (Guardian) come with inflammation chop hit you. Is this skill, after revision inflammation chop can instantly convert other skills What do you mean when you use this skill skill bar is lit. Well, do not know the hanbok is not so, the Shaman Department of the up and change it back after this appeared! I once suspected Tencent secretly changed. Why, Juggernaut with inflammation chop can fight back, but the problem here, just to fight back, he Bianzhao! Example, there is a rapid beat you 4-5 skills directly broken up and fight back. So this is a dead corner, we have to pay attention! Guardian as well! Counterattack instantly become a super body Shield Slam, sad reminders.

Bladestorm. Must have encountered Juggernaut would be no blood Juggernaut Bladestorm how to do, the best way to keep up with the then Black Swan Dance or forward to the energy crisis next step is to hit him immediately Retaliation.

But the reaction to be fast! This skill, the blood soon! But how to prevent the event! Bladestorm chop like a hands movements and flash, head low down and then drew his sword action! That time now, almost immediately E he! flat pick attack does not consider why and hands action because the flat pick attack, and so you put out that he also put out!

4, this may be the last one speaking Juggernaut talking about. Do not speak the skills, speaking mentality. Beginning I hit Juggernaut really afraid that encountered the Juggernaut Tuiruan not over. But how to lay the Juggernaut, pay attention to the methods and broken strokes skills. I mentioned above are actually hurt the enemy thousand since the loss of eight hundred tricks! So I play very violent. Afraid to wretched, wretched to pay attention to the broken strokes from breaking hire I can easily play Juggernaut, is the question of mentality. Juggernaut said white only with the good, there is no strong that said. If you are able to try the Juggernaut, you'll find close to others is compulsory! So, in order to hit you a Juggernaut afraid, from his close you start to fight back his even hit his shadow. Serious, high-end Juggernaut will laugh, because Juggernaut Road as long as the surgery really close almost like a duck to water. Own set of skills to run ten million to fight CD Taoism playing Juggernaut waves play, I'm afraid Juggernaut went to play yang fire this big God also has the confidence to win the most important The experience of the. I wish everyone playing Juggernaut bigger glad we fwq only 2-3 Juggernaut can win me the Juggernaut articles this point.

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